Fine Art Investments Inc and Galeria Museo Aguilar

Antonio Berni's Biography



     Antonio Berni (1905-1981) was first trained in Buenos Aires before studying under Othon Friesz and Andre Lhote in Paris. He helped form the Argentinean art group, the "Group of Paris" in the 1920's and also became involved with the Surrealists. His other influences included the work of Georges De Chirico and the Italian 15th century muralists. Concerned with Marxism and the Spanish Civil War, Berni's later work began to reflect social issues. In order to truly represent his disheartenment, he used coarse materials such as burlap and unique perspective. His works are in:

Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco,

Iziko-SA National Gallery,

Museum of Fine Arts Houston,

Phoenix Museum Arizona,

Modern Art Museum of the Village of Paris,

Ornamental Art Museum of Paris,

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes Buenos Aires,

Museo de Arte Moderno Buenos Aires.


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